Thornhill Primary School

Key Stage 2 Visit - Eden Camp

To support their work in History the children will be going to Eden Camp in North Yorkshire on Wednesday 17th April 2024. The camp was originally a Prisoner of War Camp and the buildings have been kept in their original state with the museum constructed inside.


A coach has been booked to take the children to the Camp and we aim to leave school at 8:30am so your child should arrive no later than 8:20am, and we are hoping to arrive back at 4:15pm.


There will be quite a bit of walking involved so children will need sensible shoes and a waterproof jacket is also advisable in case of poor weather, or sun protection and a hat if the weather is hot.


The school now heavily subsidise trips and workshops so we would welcome a contribution of just £8 per child to help towards the cost of the coach and the entry fee. It is actually costing £24.20 per child.  


There is a reasonably priced gift shop selling topic related memorabilia so the children may bring up to £5 spending money.