Thornhill Primary School








Welcome to Snowdrops

Staff members: Miss M Griffiths, Mrs S Bruce-Hillman, Mrs C Beardsley and Miss S Kauser


A Typical School Day 


Morning Job



Break Time 

English - including Grammar and Spelling

Lunch Time 

Maths Fluency


Foundation Subjects (Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Geography, History, Music, PE, RHE, RE and Science)

Reading Practice

Assembly (Monday, Tuesday, Friday)

Home Time



Weekly Overview



Reading book bag in school

Spelling test

Homework set and due in the following Monday


Reading book bag in school 

PE Kit to be worn to school


Reading book bag in school

PE Kit to be worn to school

Reading for pleasure book changed

Return reading for pleasure and phonics book


Reading book bag in school


Reading book bag in school 

Phonics home reading book changed 

Termly Overview

Term What we will be covering
Autumn Term

Art - Drawing

Computing  Computing Systems and Networks and Creating Media (digital photography)

Design & Technology - Mechanisms – sliders and levers

Geography - My local area and Tulum Mexico

History - Events beyond living memory - Great Fire of London

Music - Charanga - Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch 

PE - OOA and Multi-skills 

RHE - The caring school and Feelings and relationships

RE - Belonging to a community: Where do Jews and Christians belong? Where do I belong?

Science - Animals including humans (healthy living) and Everyday Materials

Spring Term

Art - Painting

Computing  Programming A (robot algorithms)

Design & Technology - Structure - Freestanding structures

Geography - 

History - Changes in technology

Music - 

PE - 

RHE - 

RE - 

Science - Uses of materials

Summer Term

Art - Printing

Computing  Creating Media (digital music) and Programming B (programming quizzes)

Design & Technology - Food – preparing fruit and vegetables

Geography - World Geography

History - Explorationjourney 

Music - 

PE - 

RHE - 

RE - 

Science - Plants and Living things and their habitats

Class Novels

So far this year, we have read the following texts:









Some useful dates


Useful Websites to support learning


Use Numbots at home so your child can improve their recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. 

Designed for use both in class and at home, our 1-minute maths app helps children build greater number confidence and fluency. It’s all about targeted practice in engaging, one-minute chunks!



Times Tables Rockstars is a great way for your child to learn their times tables in a fun way, battling it out with others, beating their previous times and making their way to becoming an ultimate Rock Legend. Children should have their log in information in their reading records. However, please contact us if they are having issues logging in.